Documentation for course instructors
Course presentations
In addition to the Basic in-company training manual , the following presentations are available as sources of information for anyone who provides information or talks about vocational training. The presentations were based on the previous “Vocational education and training documentation”.
The presentations are produced in PowerPoint for easy further use. This means that presentations can be created quickly or existing presentations can easily be supplemented.
The presentations comprise six topic blocks, which are divided into chapters:
- The Swiss vocational education and training system
- The VET system pathway
- The development of a profession
- Financing vocational training
- Learning locations and the qualification process
- The dual education system
- General education and the vocational baccalaureate
- School-based basic education (SOG)
- Training processes in the host company
- Planning basic in-company training
- The education report and the learning reports
- The apprenticeship certificate
- Integration measures
- “Individual support”
- Compensation for disadvantages
- Those responsible for vocational training
- Vocational trainers in host companies and inter-company courses
- Vocational trainers at vocational schools
- Vocational trainers at professional education institutions
- Tertiary level and continuing education and training
- Advanced professional education and training
- Universities of applied sciences
- Continuing education and training
Instructions for using the presentations

All presentations can be downloaded as PDFs or as editable PowerPoint documents using the list icon at the bottom right. All presentations are also available in the Download Center.