Legal foundations
Framework conditions for vocational education and training
Vocational education and training in Switzerland is based on a legal basis that ensures the quality and framework conditions of vocational education and training. The key legal foundations are briefly explained here.
Federal level
Vocational education and training is enshrined in the Federal Constitution and gives the Confederation the right to issue corresponding regulations (Art. 63 BV ). Federal act (BBG ) and ordinance (BBV ) on vocational education and training define the key legal foundations for vocational education and training.
Each vocational education and training programme is regulated in detail in an ordinance on education and training. These form the most important basis for the work of those responsible for education.
The professional directory (BVZ ) provides an overview of all basic vocational education and training professions (VET Certificate and VET Diploma) currently offered and governed by the Swiss Federal Act on Vocational Education and Training BBG as well as tertiary-level vocational education and training programmes (professional examination, advanced federal professional examination) and the approved core curricula, courses and post-diploma courses at professional education institutions.
Swiss Code of Obligations
Vocational training is concerned with the world of work. The apprentice and the host company conclude a special employment contract through the apprenticeship contract. The apprentice is also an employee, which is why, subject to the special provisions for the apprenticeship contract, the statutory provisions apply to the employment contract. The apprenticeship contract is an individual employment contract, which is why it is governed in the Swiss Code of Obligations under special employment contracts (Art. 344 to 346a OR ). Other laws relevant to vocational education and training are the Working Hours Act (AZG ), the Disability Discrimination Act (BehiG) and the Gender Equality Act (GlG ).
Employment Act
The public-legal provisions applicable to employees apply to apprentices. For example, they can benefit from the special protective provisions for young people. Practically all economic sectors and all private and public enterprises are subject to the Employment Act (ArG ).

Cantonal level
The cantons are responsible for the majority of all enforcement tasks relating to vocational education and training legislation. This includes supervising apprenticeship contracts, granting or withdrawing educational permits and approving individual apprenticeship contracts.
The legal basis for this enforcement task is also needed at the cantonal level. However, federal law always takes precedence over cantonal law. The enforcement of federal regulations is handled differently. For example, the federal government imposes few requirements on the organisation and financing of the qualification process; these can therefore vary greatly from canton to canton. On the other hand, the same qualification areas are examined in all cantons, which are set out in detail in the education ordinances.
Individual level – the apprenticeship contract
The legal provisions are specified in the apprenticeship contract. The parties to the apprenticeship contract, the host company and the apprentice undertake to comply with the statutory provisions in the context of vocational education and training. On the content page the ”Apprenticeship contract from A to Z ” lists all provisions relating to the apprenticeship contract.