Concluding a traineeship contract
Legal protection for school traineeships

Interns are apprentices who work in a company for a limited period of time as part of their education in order to gain practical experience and insights into the world of work.
The form for the traineeship contract is based as far as possible on the uniform national apprenticeship contract but takes into account the special circumstances of the internships.
The interactive form is suitable for completing and printing out the internship contract and for saving it as an electronic sample copy for company administrative purposes.
Two options for processing the traineeship contract
There are two options for processing the traineeship contract. This allows the different needs of the cantons to be taken into account. The cantons are free to use option 1 or option 2, or both options.
Apprentices who complete school-based basic education (SOG) at commercial schools, commercial colleges, privately recognised educational institutions, etc. gain part of their professional experience in an internship company. At commercial schools, practical training can also take place within the school.
Further information can be found here.