Becoming an apprenticeship host company
Prerequisites and requirements
As a host company, you play a decisive role in vocational training. Host companies enable young people to gain practical experience in their chosen profession during their apprenticeships. This commitment is not only an investment in the future of your industry, but also offers many benefits for your company.
Important steps to take when becoming an apprenticeship host company:
Find out more: Find out about the requirements and obligations of a training company.
Select vocational trainer: Specify one or more in-company vocational trainers who will assume responsibility for the training.
Lay the groundwork: Organise your business according to the training requirements.
Submit an application: Apply for a training permit to the responsible vocational education and training office in order to be recognised as a host company.
Recruit apprentices: Recruit suitable applicants for your apprenticeship positions.
Train your apprentices: Guide, support and asses s the apprentices during their training.
Becoming a host company is a rewarding undertaking that requires commitment and careful planning. Investing in training young professionals yields substantial benefits for your company and society as a whole.
As a host company, you secure qualified specialists at an early stage, gain a financial advantage, benefit from the latest trends and innovations from apprentices and strengthen your corporate image.
Host companies are responsible for providing high-quality training that meets legal and educational requirements. This includes creating a training plan, providing learning opportunities and supporting the growth and development of apprentices.
Host company networks
A host company network is a special form of vocational education and training organisation. Two or more companies carrying out complementary activities join together to form a host company network and train apprentices together. The aim of this collaboration is to provide apprentices with training that complies with the ordinances by using shared resources and to optimise the training efforts of the individual companies. This will also make it possible for specialised companies to take part in vocational training.
Further information can be found here